Partnership Building

SHE facilitates innovative partnerships for joint-investments to support community-based climate-resilient initiatives to protect Indigenous Peoples’ health, livelihoods, landscapes, and values in remote, off-the grid, Maasai Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya. This has been achieved by engaging communities in co-education on climate adaptation for water and food security, protection of local ecosystems and cultural heritage and sustainability.

Key partners include the Maasai Community Based Organization (including the women self help group, the Elders, the Chairman of the Ranch), Family Foundations (Sachs, TATA Chemicals the Turing), the two local conservancies, non-profits such as the African Latitude Unlimited, research Institutions (African Population and Health Research Center, ICRAF, UCLA, Nairobi University), NGOs (Ubuntu Solar), the Kenyan Red Cross Society and local authorities.

Partnerships with the Maasai communities in Lenkobei since 2015 contributed to:

    • the establishment of a legal “Maasai Community Based Organization” in Lenkobei,
    • international donations for community-based climate adaptation initiatives,
    • supporting the humanitarian aid appeal to deliver food to the community during El Nino-driven droughts and the hunger crisis of 2016-17,
    • getting the communities’ Geographic Information System (GIS) on the map to facilitate food distribution and mobile healthcare,
    • recovering part of the community’s land rights for school buildings.

Learn about key partnerships to build resilience in the COVID-era.

SHE Partners List.